Workforce Concepts Welcomes Amanda Tereo

Workforce Concepts is please to announce the recent addition of Miss Amanda Tereo.  Miss Tereo started working at Glasgow Medical Center in 2006 as a medical receptionist in their Urgent Care department, and graduated from Newark High School in 2007.  Shortly after graduating high school, she started assisting with Insurance Billing and Accounting functions, and was then promoted to HR and Accounting in 2008.

Some of her HR functions included payroll processing, hiring/new employee orientations and employee handbooks, benefit administration, conflict management, internal auditing and compliance, and employee retention.

Miss Tereo will be helping to consult employees on their benefits, help our clients with HR Compliance issues, Employee Handbooks, and essentially everything from hiring, to terminating an employee.

Miss Tereo currently resides in Delta,  Pennsylvania.  Welcome to the firm Miss Tereo.  God Bless.